Needs & Wants

This is an opportunity to look at needs & wants differently that we might have in the past. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs we tend to focus on the base – the bottom tier or two of the triangle – as the only true needs. The needs we have that keep us alive and safe. But I’m making an assumption that if you’re reading this, you’ve gotten those needs more or less taken care of. By focusing only here, it is easy to dismiss the other needs as wants. After all, do I really need variety in my day?
And the answer is yes – yes I do. This is something that needs to be fulfilled if I’m going to be at my best. If I’m going to do what I’ve set out to do. Maslow said, “What happens to man’s desires when there is plenty of bread and when his belly is chronically filled?” At this point, we focus on higher-level needs. Although you might not “need” these things to stay alive, they are no less needs than the bread.
This doesn’t mean that our base or primary needs are always 100% fulfilled. Sometimes we have to go back and focus on or refine those and that’ll better align us for fulfilling these higher needs. So it is an important exercise to identify what we truly need to live into ourselves, to be who we’ve set out to be in life.
Identifying your Needs & Wants
To start, write down everything that occurs to you as you explore. And then, just like values, if you’ve got too many, it is impossible to fulfill on all of them. Do the work of editing your list down to the essentials. Consider whether you can regularly fulfill them or whether it could serve to eliminate them. The non-needs can still be strong wants, and something to keep a pulse on from time to time, but when things get tough, it’s helpful to know what to prioritize for yourself.
There are 3 approaches to try below – try one or try them all.
Use Maslow’s categories to contemplate what is a need for you in each area. Even in the base of the hierarchy, it is ok to define out those basic needs a little more. Do you need to eat a certain way to operate at your best? Is there a certain way you need to take care of your body to function well? Take a look at these categories (including the categories from the expanded hierarchy) and see what needs arise for you in each:
Take a look at your top values. (Head here for a values resource if needed.) It’s possible that when our needs aren’t being met, we feel most out of alignment with our values. Think back to triggering moments at work, at home, with friends, with others. What are those situations you stayed stuck on for too long? You kept thinking about them (or still are) far past when it seemed reasonable for it to still bug you. Whether with yourself or involving others. Can you identify an underlying value of yours that you may have felt wasn’t present in you or the others in that situation? If you could wave a wand, what would be needed in this situation for it to be more in alignment with your values? See if anything that arises feels like a need for you. For each situation, write down:
A list of questions to get your need-juices flowing: